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Chip numbers starting with 7417

nr name cat description manufacturer
7417 7417 buffer hex* buffer OC* 15V 40ma
7417 7417 ~ pinout
7417 AD7417 adc* 4-Channel, 10-Bit ADC with On-Chip Temperature to Digital Converter, ±1°C Accuracy, data AD
74170 74170 reg 4*4 1R+1W register file OC*
74170 74170 ~ pinout
74171 74LS171 reg 4-bit register
74172 74172 reg 8x2 1R+1W+1RW register file 3-state
74173 74173 ff quad* D Flip-Flop, positive-edge trigger, 3-state pinout
74173 74173 ~ pinout
74173 74HC173 ff quad* D-type flip-flop DIL16 Philips
74173 74HCT173 ff quad* D-type FF, positive-edge trigger, 3S Philips
74173 74HCT173 ff quad* D-type flip-flop Philips
74173 N74F173 ff quad* D-type flip-flop DIL16 Philips
74174 74174 ff hex* D Flip-Flop with reset, positive-edge trigger pinout
74174 74174 ~ pinout
74174 74ALS174 ff hex* D-type flip-flop with reset DIL16 Philips
74174 74HC174 ff hex* D-type flip-flop with reset DIL16 Philips
74174 74HCT174 ff hex* D-type flip-flop with reset DIL16 Philips
74174 74HCT174 ff hex* D-type flip-flop with reset, positive-edge trigger Philips
74174 MC74F174 hex* d type flip-flop with master reset, pinout Motorola
74174 N74F174 ff hex* D-type flip-flop with reset DIL16 Philips
74175 74175 reg 4-bit register with clear 25MHz
74175 74175 ~ pinout
74175 74ALS175 ff quad* D-type edge-triggered flip-flop DIL16 Philips
74175 74HC175 ff quad* D-type flip-flop with reset DIL16 Philips
74175 74HCT175 ff quad* D-type flip-flop with reset DIL16 Philips
74175 74HCT175 ff quad* D-type flip-flop with reset, positive-edge trigger Philips
74175 N74F175 ff quad* D-type edge-triggered flip-flop DIL16 Philips
74176 74176 counter 4-bit BCD counter with preset
741762 N74F1762 mem 4 M-bit memory address controller DIL40 Philips
741763 N74F1763 mem 1 M-bit intelligent DRAM controller DIL48 Philips
741764 N74F1764 mem 1 M-bit DRAM dual* ported controller DIL48 Philips
741764 N74F1764-1 mem 1 M-bit DRAM dual* ported controller DIL48 Philips
741765 N74F1765 mem 1 M-bit DRAM dual* ported controller DIL48 Philips
741765 N74F1765-1 mem 1 M-bit DRAM dual* ported controller DIL48 Philips
741766 N74F1766 mem Burst-mode DRAM controller DIL48 Philips
74177 74177 counter 4-bit binary counter with preset
74177 MK74CB177 clock clock driver (16 outputs) with Early clock support. Each side can run at 3.3V or 5V. With PCI clock power down. In tiny SSOP28. For use with OPTi Viper N and Firestar chipsets MicroClock*
74177 mk74B177 ICS*
741779 N74F1779 counter 8-bit bidirectional binary counter DIL16 Philips
74178 74178 shift 4-bit PIPO* SR*
74178 MK74CB178 clock Buffalo Clock driver (16 outputs) with Early clock support. Each side can run at 3.3V or 5V. In tiny SSOP28 MicroClock*
74178 mk74178 ICS*
74179 74179 shift 4-bit PIPO* SR*

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