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Chip numbers starting with 69

nr name cat description manufacturer
690 ADM690 Functions: 4.65 V Reset, Battery Switchover, Watchdog Timer, Power Fail Input, data AD
690 ADM690A system Microprocessor Supervisory Circuit, data AD
690 MAX690 power Microprocessor Watchdog/Battery switchover/Reset Generator Maxim*
690 MAX690A mpuchk uP Supervisory Circuit with 4.65 V Reset Threshold. Maxim*
690 MAX690R mpuchk 3V uP Supervisor with Battery-Backup switchover and 2.61V Reset Threshold Maxim*
690 MAX690S mpuchk 3V uP Supervisor with Battery-Backup switchover and 2.91V Reset Threshold Maxim*
690 MAX690T mpuchk 3V uP Supervisor with Battery-Backup switchover and 3.06V Reset Threshold Maxim*
69000 69000 crt Flat-Panel/CRT* Graphics controller,, Asiliant*
69030 69030 crt Flat-Panel/CRT* Graphics controller,, Asiliant*
691 ADM691 system Microprocessor Supervisory Circuit, data AD
691 ADM691A system Microprocessor Supervisory Circuit, data AD
691 MAX691 power Microprocessor Watchdog/Battery switchover/Reset Generator Maxim*
691 MAX691A mpuchk uP Supervisory Circuit with 4.65 V Reset Threshold Maxim*
691 max691cwe mpuchk supervisor upc watchdog soic Maxim
692 ADM692 system Microprocessor Supervisory Circuits, data AD
692 ADM692A system Microprocessor Supervisory Circuit, data AD
692 HT692 decoder 3**18 Series of Decoders, pinout Holtek
692 MAX692 power Microprocessor Watchdog/Battery switchover/Reset Generator Maxim*
692 MAX692A mpuchk uP Supervisory Circuit with 4.4V Reset Threshold Maxim*
693 AD693 Loop-Powered 4-20 mA Sensor Transmitter, data AD
693 ADM693 system Microprocessor Supervisory Circuits, data AD
693 ADM693A system Microprocessor Supervisory Circuit, data AD
693 MAX693 power Microprocessor Watchdog/Battery switchover/Reset Generator Maxim*
693 MAX693A mpuchk uP Supervisory Circuit with 4.4V Reset Threshold Maxim*
694 AD694 Monolithic Current Transmitter, data AD
694 ADM694 system Microprocessor Supervisory Circuits, data AD
694 MAX694 power Microprocessor Supervisory Circuit/Battery switchover/Reset Generator Maxim*
695 ADM695 system Microprocessor Supervisory Circuits, data AD
695 MAX695 power Microprocessor Supervisory Circuit/Battery switchover/Reset Generator Maxim*
69536 MC69536 sram 32k*36 BurstRAM Synchronous 3.3V SRAM* Motorola*
696 ADM696 system Microprocessor Supervisory Circuits, data AD
696 MAX696 power Microprocessor Supervisory Circuit/Battery switchover/Programmable Reset Maxim*
69612 SY69612 xcvr SONET/SDH/ATM OC-12 Transceiver, 100-pin PowerQuad2 Synergy
69618 MC69618 sram 64k*18 BurstRAM Synchronous 3.3V SRAM* Motorola*
697 ADM697 system Microprocessor Supervisory Circuits, data AD
697 MAX697 power Microprocessor Supervisory Circuit/Programmable Reset Maxim*
69712 SY69712 xcvr SONET/SDH/ATM OC-12 Clock Recovering Transceiver, 100-pin PowerQuad2 Synergy
69743 SY69743 xcvr quad* OC-3 SONET/SDH/ATM Clock Recovering Transceiver, 128-pin PowerQuad2 Synergy
698 AD698 Universal LVDT Signal Conditioner(REV B), data AD
698 ADM698 system Microprocessor Supervisory Circuits, data AD
699 ADM699 system Microprocessor Supervisory Circuits, data AD
699 LTC699 uP Supervisory Circuit, pinout Linear Technology
69951 SY69951 xcvr OC-3/STS-3 Clock Recovering Transceiver, SOIC28, 1Q'96 Synergy
6996 telecom Single chip CODEC* with filter (Oki) pinout
6997 telecom Single chip CODEC* with filter (Oki) pinout

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