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Chip numbers starting with 123

nr name cat description manufacturer
123 LM123 volt 3A Voltage Regulator NS
1230 DAC1230 12-bit Multiplying, Microprocessor compatable,Dual-Buffered DAC, pinout NS
1230 DAC1230 dac* 12-bit multiplying DAC IO* 1us, NS*
1230 DS1230 sram 256K Nonvolatile SRAM*, Dallas*
1230 DS1230AB sram 256K Nonvolatile SRAM*, PS Dallas*
1230 DS1230Y sram 256K Nonvolatile SRAM*, PS Dallas*
1230 MP1230A dac* CMOS* Microprocessor Compatible Double-Buffered 12-Bit Digital-to-Analog Converter Exar
1231 DS1231 power Power Monitor Chip, data, PS Dallas*
1231 DS1231S power Power Monitor Chip, data Dallas*
1231 MP1231A dac* CMOS* Microprocessor Compatible Double-Buffered 12-Bit Digital-to-Analog Converter Exar
1232 ADM1232 Microprocessor Supervisory Circuit, data AD
1232 DS1232 ? MicroMonitor Chip, Dallas*
1232 DS1232 power MicroMonitor Chip, data, PS Dallas*
1232 DS1232LP power Low Power MicroMonitor Chip, data, PS Dallas*
1232 DS1232LPS power Low Power MicroMonitor Chip, data Dallas*
1232 MAX1232 Microprocessor Monitor, pinout Maxim
1232 MP1232A dac* CMOS* Microprocessor Compatible Double-Buffered 12-Bit Digital-to-Analog Converter Exar
1232 ds1232 power micromonitor chip Dallas
1233 DS1233 5V EconoReset, data Dallas*
1233 DS1233A reset 3.3V EconoReset, data, PS Dallas*
1233 DS1233D reset 5V EconoReset, data, PS Dallas*
1233 DS1233M reset EconoReset, data, PS Dallas*
1234 DS1234 mem? Conditional Nonvolatile controller Chip, PS Dallas*
1236 DS1236 mpuchk MicroManager Chip, PS Dallas*
1236 DS1236A MicroManager Chip, pinout Dallas
1236 DS1236A mpuchk MicroManager Chip, PS Dallas*
1237 DS1237 mem DRAM Nonvolatizer Chip, PS Dallas*
1238 CXA1238M radio Radio AM-FM stereo (30p)
1238 DS1238 mpuchk MicroManager, PS Dallas*
1238 DS1238A mpuchk MicroManager, PS Dallas*
1239 DS1239 mpuchk MicroManager Chip, PS Dallas*

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