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Chips in the category 'NOVRAM'

nr name description manufacturer
1345 DS1345ABL 1024K Nonvolatile SRAM* with Power Monitors, PS Dallas*
1345 DS1345YL 1024K Nonvolatile SRAM* with Power Monitors, PS Dallas*
1350 DS1350ABL 4096K Nonvolatile SRAM* with Power Monitors, PS Dallas*
1350 DS1350YL 4096K Nonvolatile SRAM* with Power Monitors, PS Dallas*
1381 DS1381 NV* RAMport, PS Dallas*
2001 X2001 128*8 NOVRAM, Xicor*
2002 X2002 256*8 NOVRAM, Xicor*
2004 X2004 512*8 NOVRAM, Xicor*
2004 X20C04 512*8 NOVRAM, data Xicor*
2005 X20C05 512*8 high speed AUTOSTORE NOVRAM, data Xicor*
2016 X20C16 2k*8 high speed AUTOSTORE NOVRAM, data Xicor*
2017 X20C17 2k*8 high speed AUTOSTORE NOVRAM, data Xicor*
2064 XM20C64 8k*8 high speed AUTOSTORE NOVRAM module, data Xicor*
2201 X2201A 1k*1 NOVRAM Xicor
2210 64*4 NOVRAM Catalyst
2210 X2210 64*4 NOVRAM Xicor
2210 X2210A 64*4 NOVRAM Xicor
2210 X22C10 64*4 NOVRAM, data Xicor*
2212 256*4 NOVRAM Catalyst
2212 X2212 256*4 NOVRAM Xicor
2212 X2212A 256*4 NOVRAM Xicor
2212 X22C12 256*4 NOVRAM, data Xicor*
2227 Flexible NOVRAM Stik, Dallas*
2227 DS2227 Flexible NOVRAM Stik, PS Dallas*
2230 dual* Port NOVRAM Stik, Dallas*
2444 16*16 Serial NOVRAM Catalyst
2444 X2444 16*16 serial NOVRAM, Xicor*
2444 X24C44 16*16 serial NOVRAM, data Xicor*
2445 X24C45 16*16 serial NOVRAM with AUTOSTORE, data Xicor*

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