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Chips in the category 'GLUE*'

nr name description manufacturer
2340 soft V40 Flip Stik, Dallas*
2340 DS2340T Soft V40 Stik, PS Dallas*
32580 Interface controller to couple the Weitek WTL3164 FPU NS
5311 DS5311FP MC68HC11 Softener Chip, PS Dallas*
5340 DS5340 V40 Softener Chip, Dallas*
66470 Video and system controller for the 68070, Regs Philips*
68150 MC68150 Dynamic bus Sizer (for 68040 and 68060) Motorola*
6883 MC6883 SAM for the 6809E (74LS783) Motorola
74428 74S428 System controller for 8080 (=8228) Intel*, NEC, TI
74438 74S438 8080 system controller (i8238)
8000 XR8000 Microprocessor Support IC*, Data Exar
8228 System controller and bus Driver AMD, Intel*, NEC, NS
8228 i8228 8080 system controller/data bus driver Intel $1.75
82288 bus controller Intel*, UMC
82289 bus arbiter Intel
8238 System controller and bus Driver NS
8238 i8238 8080 system controller/data bus driver Intel $4
8288 bus controller for 8086/8088, pinout Intel*, UMC
8289 bus arbiter Intel
9450 1750A bus controller NS

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