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Chips in the category 'FILTER'

nr name description manufacturer
10 MF10 Dual* switched capacitor steep audiofilter LPF/BPF/HPF/Notch (see also LMF100) order from Barend
10 MF10 dual* Second Order Universal switch Capacitor Filter NS
100 LMF100 Extra stable version of MF10 dual* audio filter (see MF10 for doc/applications) order from Barend
1307 TDA1307 High-performance bitstream digital filter DIL42SHR Philips
2120 SSM2120 Dynamic Range Processor , data (shtml needed) PMI
260 MAX260 uP Programmable Universal switch Capacitor Filter Maxim*
261 MAX261 uP Programmable Universal switch Capacitor Filter Maxim*
262 MAX262 uP Programmable Universal switch Capacitor Filter Maxim*
263 MAX263 Pin Programmable Universal Filter Maxim*
264 MAX264 Pin Programmable Universal Filter Maxim*
265 MAX265 Resistor/Pin Programmed Universal Active Filter Maxim*
266 MAX266 Resistor/Pin Programmed Universal Active Filter Maxim*
267 MAX267 Pin Programmable Bandpass Filter Maxim*
268 MAX268 Pin Programmable Bandpass Filter Maxim*
293 MAX293 Switched capacitor filter DIP8 elliptic 8th order 0.1-25kHz, 1.5 transition ratio, -80dB stopband, 100:1 clock order from Barend
3340 MC3340 DC volume control in DIP8, get rid of hum and crackling noises order from Barend
42 UAF42 active filter 100KHz BB
458 458 Finite Impulse Response Filter NCR*
5 MF5 Universal switched cap. audio filter order from Barend
56200 cascadable adaptive finite impulse response digital filter Motorola*
74297 74HCT297 digital phase-locked-loop filter Philips
896 AD896 programmable Bessel filter (=SSI32F811) AD
90 LMF90 Very sharp audio notch filter order from Barend

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