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Chips in the category 'CMP'

nr name description manufacturer
01 CMP01 comparator 110ns PMI
04 CMP04 Quad* Low Power, Precision Comparator, data AD
0832 DAC0832lcn comp d/a 8 bit up (0.20% lin) AD
100166 9-Bit Comparator NS
100166 100166 9-bit comparator CERDIP24 Philips
1016 LT1016 Ultra-Fast, Precision TTL Comparator Maxim*
1116 LT1116 Ultra-Fast, Precision TTL Comparator Maxim*
119 LM119 Highspeed dual* comparator in DIL14 National Semiconductor
119 LM119 Highspeed dual* comparator in PQFP20 National Semiconductor
139 LM139 quad* voltage comparator CERDIP14 Philips
139 LM139A quad* voltage comparator DIL14 Philips
1414 MC1414 dual* comparator (dual* 710) Motorola
1514 MC1514 dual* comparator (dual* µA710) Motorola
193 dual* comparator NS
193 LM193 Low-power dual* voltage comparator CERDIP8 Philips
193 LM193A Low-power dual* voltage comparator DIL8 Philips
199 Temperature Comparator NS
211 LM211 Voltage comparator DIL8 Philips
219 LM219 Highspeed dual* comparator in DIL14 National Semiconductor
219 LM219 Highspeed dual* comparator in PQFP20 National Semiconductor
219 LM219 dual* voltage comparator CERDIP14 Philips
22001 AD22001 5-Channel Monolithic Comparator for Lamp Monitoring, data AD
239 LM239 quad* voltage comparator DIL14 Philips
239 LM239A quad* voltage comparator DIL14 Philips
2901 AU2901 quad* voltage comparator DIL14 Philips
2901 LM2901 quad* single supply comparator (LM339)
2901 LM2901 quad* voltage comparator DIL14 Philips
2903 AU2903 Low-power dual* voltage comparator DIL8 Philips
2903 LM2903 Low-power dual* voltage comparator DIL8 Philips
2903 LM2903 dual* comparator (LM393)
293 LM293 Low-power dual* voltage comparator DIL8, CERDIP1 Philips
293 LM293A Low-power dual* voltage comparator DIL8 Philips
311 LM311 comparator 200ns
311 LM311L comparator 200ns TO5 TI
319 LM319 Highspeed dual* comparator in DIL14 National Semiconductor
319 LM319 Highspeed dual* comparator in PQFP20 National Semiconductor
319 LM319 dual* voltage comparator DIL14 Philips
3302 MC3302 quad* single supply comparator (LM339) Motorola
3302 MC3302 quad* voltage comparator DIL14, CERDIP14 Philips
339 LM339 quad* low power comparator 1.3us
339 LM339 quad* voltage comparator DIL14 Philips
339 LM339A quad* voltage comparator DIL14 Philips
339 lp339n comparator low power quad* NS
3600 CA3600E CMOS* dual* comp pair + inverter RCA
3608 LM360n-8 comparator high speed diff NS
393 LM393 Low-power dual* voltage comparator DIL8, CERDIP8 Philips
393 LM393 dual* comparator, low-power NS
393 LM393A Low-power dual* voltage comparator DIL8, CERDIP8 Philips
393 LM393d comparator dual* soic pkg Motorola
401 CMP401 23 ns Low Voltage Comparator, data AD
402 CMP402 65 ns Low Voltage Comparator, data AD
4063 CD4063B CMOS* 4-Bit Magnitude Comparator
4574 4574 CMOS* Quad* prog comparator Motorola
4585 4585 CMOS* 4 bit magnitude comparator 1us
4585 HEC4585B 4-bit magnitude comparator CERDIP16 Philips
4585 HEF4585B 4-bit magnitude comparator DIL16, CERDIP16 Philips
521 NE521 High-speed dual* differential comparator/sense amplifier DIL14, CERDIP14 Philips
521 SE521 High-speed dual* differential comparator/sense amplifier CERDIP14 Philips
522 NE522 High-speed dual* differential comparator/sense amplifier DIL14 Philips
522 NE522 dual* high speed comparator 7.5ns Signetics
527 NE527 Voltage comparator DIL14 Philips
529 NE529 Voltage comparator DIL14 Philips
54521 8-Bit Identity Comparator NS
54688 8-Bit Magnitude Comparator NS
5485 4-Bit Magnitude Comparator NS
567 Tone Decoder NS
570 NE570 Compandor DIL16, CERDIP16 Philips
571 NE571 Compandor DIL16, CERDIP18 Philips
571 SA571 Compandor DIL16, CERDIP16 Philips
572 NE572 Programmable analog compandor DIL16 Philips
572 SA572 Programmable analog compandor DIL16, CERDIP16 Philips
575 NE575 Low-voltage dual* expander/single compressor DIL20 Philips
575 SA575 Low-voltage dual* expander/single compressor DIL20 Philips
710 µA710 comparator NS
711 µA711 dual* µA710 comparator NS
74518 74518 8-bit identity comp with pull-ups active high OC*
74519 74519 8-bit identity comp active high OC*
74520 74520 8-bit identity comp with pull-ups active low
74521 74521 8-bit identity comp active low
74521 N74F521 8-bit identify comparator DIL20 Philips
74522 74522 8-bit identity comp with pullups active low OC*
74524 N74F524 8-bit register comparator DIL20 Philips
74526 74526 16-bit identity comp fuse prog
74527 74527 8-bit fuse prog + 4-bit identity comp
74528 74528 12-bit identity comp fuse prog
74677 74677 16-bit to 4-bit address comparator, pinout
74678 74678 16-bit to 4-bit address comparator with latch
74679 74679 12-bit to 4-bit address comparator
74680 74680 12-bit to 4-bit address comparator with latch
74682 74682 8-bit >= comparator with input pullups, pinout
74683 74683 8-bit >= comparator with input pullups OC*
74684 74684 8-bit >= comparator, pinout
74685 74685 8-bit >= comparator OC*
74686 74686 8-bit >= comparator with input pullups + enable, pinout
74687 74687 8-bit >= comparator with input pullups + enable OC*, pinout
74688 74688 8-bit comparator with enable, pinout
74688 74HC688 8-bit magnitude comparator DIL20 Philips
74688 74HCT688 8-bit magnitude comparator DIL20 Philips
74689 74689 8-bit comparator with enable OC*, pinout
7485 7485 4-bit magnitude comparator
7485 74HC85 4-bit magnitude comparator DIL16 Philips
7485 74HCT85 4-bit magnitude comparator DIL16 Philips
7485 74HCT85 4-bit magnitude comparator Philips
7485 74LS85 4-bit magnitude comparator 45ns
7485 N74F85 4-bit magnitude comparator DIL18 Philips
74866 74866 8-bit mag comparator with latches
74885 74885 8-bit mag comparator with latch
74909 74C909 quad* comparator
74932 74C932 phase comparator
7665 ICL7665 dual* under/over voltage detector Intersil
816 DCP816 Sound compressor chip DCP*
8561 AD8561 Ultrafast 7 ns Single Supply Comparator, data AD
907 MAX907 dual*, 40ns, Low-Power, Single-/Dual-Supply Comparator Maxim*
908 MAX908 quad*, 40ns, Low-Power, Single-/Dual-Supply Comparator Maxim*
909 MAX909 40ns, Low-Power, Single-/Dual-Supply Comparator Maxim*
912 MAX912 dual*, Ultra High-Speed, Low-Power TTL Comparator with Complementary Outputs Maxim*
913 MAX913 Ultra High-Speed, Low-Power TTL Comparator with Complementary Outputs Maxim*
915 MAX915 Master/Slave, Ultra High-Speed TTL Comparator Maxim*
916 MAX916 dual*, Master/Slave, Ultra High-Speed TTL Comparator Maxim*
921 MAX921 Ultra Low-Power Comparator with 1.18V Reference Maxim*
922 MAX922 dual*, Ultra Low-Power Comparator Maxim*
923 MAX923 dual*, Ultra Low-Power Comparator with 1.18V Reference Maxim*
924 MAX924 quad*, Ultra Low-Power Comparator with 1.18V Reference Maxim*
9324 5-Bit Comparator NS
941 MAX941 3V and 5V, 75ns, Rail-to-Rail Input Comparator Maxim*
942 MAX942 dual*, 3V and 5V, 75ns, Rail-to-Rail Input Comparator Maxim*
944 MAX944 quad*, 3V and 5V, 75ns, Rail-to-Rail Input Comparator Maxim*
96685 AD96685 Ultra Fast ECL* Comparator, data AD
96687 AD96687 Ultra Fast ECL* Comparator, data AD
9696 ad9696kn comparator AD

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