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Chip brokers in the USA starting with 'V'

Virtual Chip Exchange
(Also known as VCE)
Virtual Chip Exchange is the leading B2B e-commerce trading hub for chips. For the first time, Virtual Chip Exchange provides transparency in the highly complex semiconductor market. Qualified OEM member companies can log onto the Virtual Chip Exchange website to purchase the microchips they need, offer their excess stock for sale and to obtain world-wide news, market prices, delivery lead-times and technical information from the semiconductor industry.

Vector Trading Corp.
600 W 28th St #202a
Austin, TX
tel: +1-512-480-9848
fax: +1-512-480-8117
Buyer and seller of excess electronic components. Obsolete parts finder.

WD, Inc.
Wholesale Distributors, Inc.
1155 N. Fiji Way
Gilbert, AZ 85204
tel: +1-602-813-4273
fax: +1-602-813-6451
A large inventory of hard to find mature and leading edge component inventory, including: Flash, Logic, Memory, Microcontrollers and more.
We also track approx 800,000 line items in our word wide data base. If you have your inventory on disk please mail it to us and we will work hard to sell your stock!
Dave Miscione is the founder.
He has been active in electronic component distribution since 1978. He has seen this industry develop into the immense marketplace it has become. He has personally assisted many of the larger companies in the chip distribution industry.
We believe that bulls and bears make money and the hogs get slaughtered!
If you have parts to sell, call us for fast action! If you are in need of a hard to find product call us: If we can't locate it, it probably doesn't exist!

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Chip brokers inside of the USA by first letter of name:

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