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Chip numbers starting with 43

nr name cat description manufacturer
43 OP-43 OPAMP*, pinout AD
43 REF-43 volt volt ref* 2.5V PMI
43 REF43 vref +2.5V Low Power Precision Voltage Reference, data AD
430 MAX430 amp* ±15V Chopper Stabilized opamp* Maxim*
430 TL430 volt volt ref* 2.75V TI
4306 zvn4306a fet fet n channel 60v e-line pkg Supertex
431 ADG431 t - LC, data AD
431 TL431 volt volt ref* 2.75V TI
4311 D4311 sram 16k*1 high speed CMOS* SRAM* NEC
4314 D4314 sram 4k*4 high speed CMOS* SRAM* NEC
4316 4316 Quad* analog switches, pinout
4316 4316 switch CMOS* Quad* analog switch pinout
43182 HS4-3182-8 driver LCC28 -55+125C ARINC bus interface line driver Harris $72/1K
432 4N32 isol OI* PD 500% 45us
432 ADG432 t - LC, data AD
432 MAX432 amp* Low Power, ±15V Chopper Stabilized opamp* Maxim*
43256 43256 256 kbit (32k X 8) SRAM*, pinout NEC Japan
43256 43256 sram 32k*8 SRAM* 120ns
43256 D43256C memory Memory IC* order from Barend
43282 HS4-3282-8 bus LCC44 -55+125C ARINC bus interface circuit Harris $91/1K
43282 HS4-3282-9+ bus ARINC BU interface circuit (-40+85C) Harris $91/1K
433 ADG433 t - LC, data AD
4331 CS4331 Audio Stereo DAC, pinout Crystal
4334 HM4334 1k x 4 CMOS* SRAM*, pinout Hitachi
435 4N35 isol OI* PT 40% 5us
435 MAX435 video 250MHz Wideband Differential In/Out Transconductance Amplifier. Maxim*
4351 4351 mux* CMOS* analog mux* with latch pinout
4352 4352 mux* CMOS* analog mux* with latch pinout
4353 4353 mux* CMOS* analog mux* with latch pinout
4355 AK4355 dac* Low cost, 6-channel, 24-bit D/A converter with 192 kHz DVD-audio sampling AKM*
436 A436 dsp* Video DSP*, parallel video digital signal processor chip is directly programmable in C, performs 3 billion MACS and 6 billion pixels/s for motion estimation, provides a fully software programmable universal video compressor/decompressor, Oxford*
436 ADG436 Dual* SPDT Switch, data AD
436 MAX436 video 250MHz Wideband Transconductance Amplifier. Maxim*
4360 AK4360 dac* Low-power-consumption 20-bit DAC with built-in headphone amplifier for battery powered mobile products. AKM*
4363 AK4363 dac*,tv Programmable PLL* 24-bit 2-Channel DAC for digital satellite broadcasting, digital TV and digital CATV AKM*
4364 AK4364 dac*,tv Programmable PLL* 24-bit 2-Channel DAC for digital satellite broadcasting, digital TV and digital CATV AKM*
437 MAX437 LO NOISE PREC OP AMP*, pinout Maxim
437 MAX437 amp* Low-Noise, High-Precision opamp*. Maxim*
438 ADG438F mux* High Performance 4/8 Channel Fault-Protected Analog Multiplexers, data AD
438 MAX438 UPOWER OP-AMP, pinout Maxim
438 MAX438 amp* High-Speed, Low-Voltage, Micropower opamp* Maxim*
4380 AK4380 dac* New Low-Cost 96kHz 24-bit DAC AKM*
4382 AK4382 dac* 112dB, 192 kHz 24-bit DAC for DVD/DVD-audio, AV amps, car audio and digital musical instruments AKM*
439 ADG439F mux* High Performance 4/8 Channel Fault-Protected Analog Multiplexers, data AD
439 MAX439 UPOWER OP-AMP, pinout Maxim
439 MAX439 amp* High-Speed, Low-Voltage, Micropower opamp* Maxim*
439 ZN439 adc* 8-bit A-D Converter , data (shtml needed) Ferranti
4391 MAX4391 power CMOS* Micropower Inverting switching Regulator Maxim*
4393 EL4393C_ Triple* 80MHz Video Amp* with Disable, pinout Elantec
4395 AK4395 dac* 192 kHz 24-bit DAC with high-performance digital filter for top-of-the line DVD/DVD-audio, AV amp* and Pro audio products AKM*

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