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Chips in the category 'ALU'

nr name description manufacturer
100181 100181 4-bit ALU binary/decimal CERDIP24 Philips
1855 CDP1855 8-Bit Programmable Multiply/Divide Unit, DIP28 Intersil*
4581 4581 CMOS* 4 bit ALU 2us
54181 4-Bit Arithmetic Logic Unit NS
74181 74181 4-bit ALU
74181 74HC181 4-bit arithmetic logic unit DIL24, DIL24SK Philips
74181 74HCT181 4-bit arithmetic logic unit DIL24, DIL24SK Philips
74181 74HCT181 4-bit arithmetic logic unit Philips
74181 N74F181 4-bit arithmetic logic unit DIL24SK Philips
74281 74S281 4-bit RALU
74381 74381 ALU 20-pin look ahead carry
74382 74382 ALU 20-pin ripple carry
74583 74HC583 4-bit full adder with fast carry DIL16 Philips
74583 74HCT583 4-bit full adder with fast carry DIL16 Philips
74583 74HCT583 4-bit full adder with fast carry Philips
74681 74681 4-bit RALU
74688 74HCT688 8-bit magnitude comparator Philips

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