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Chip distributors in Jordan

Middle East ASI
Middle East Advanced Semiconductor, Inc.
P.O. Box 7373
Amman (11118)
tel: 962 6 5533166 - Incoming Calls
tel: 962 6 5522862 - Incoming/Outgoing Calls
tel: 962 6 5532863 - Incoming/Outgoing Calls
fax: 962 6 5533177
fax: 962 6 5514101
Middle East Advanced Semiconductor, Inc. is specialized in the supply of almost all types of electronic and semiconductor parts (spare parts), including IC's, Transistors, Diodes, ... etc.
Markets covered by Middle East ASI are: Jordan, Syria and Egypt, plus a few other countries in the Middle East.

World Wide Electronics
King Husain, Abdali, Amman
P.O.Box: 510705, Amman 11151 Jordan
tel: +962 6 4637323
tel: +962 6 4637833
fax: +962 6 4637323
We are importers and distributors of electronic components in Jordan.

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