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Semiconductor Online

Welcome to Semiconductor Online, the premier internet source of useful and timely information about semiconductoronline manufacturing. Semiconductor Online is directed to engineers, scientists and business managers involved in the production of microelectronics, integrated circuits and microprocessors, and applications that use similar manufacturing techniques, such as photovoltaics, magnetic data storage. This Web site provides daily news updates, reports on business and technology trends, and technical articles on semiconductoronline processing technology.

Job titles that are important in the Semiconductor Online audience include: process engineers, electronics engineers, test and measurement engineers and scientists, process control engineers and technicians, production engineers and technicians, fab managers, plant managers, quality control/quality assurance technologists, packaging engineers, solid state physicists, chemists, CAD* designers, and marketing and business managers.

Industries and technologies being covered include: wafer manufacturing and processing, electronics chemicals and gases, photoresist processing, thin film processing, physical and chemical vapor deposition (PVD and CVD), vacuum systems and equipment, ion implantation, chemical etching, plasma processing, and clean room design and equipment.

Semiconductor Online also covers test and measurement equipment and systems to ensure high production rates. This includes tests, wafer inspection, burn-in equipment, environmental testing, optical and electron microscopes, quality control and quality assurance systems, information management systems, and process control equipment.

Materials of importance to the semiconductoronline industry include silicon crystals, silicon wafers, gallium arsenide, rare earth minerals, ultrapure water, ultrapure gases, photoresist chemicals, wafer polishing materials, substrates, plastics and resins, and plastic or ceramic packaging.

How it all began: Semiconductor is provided by VerticalNet, Inc., which was formed as Water Online in August of 1995 by Michael McNulty and Michael Hagan, who set two lofty goals for their new company. First, to become the preeminent source for technology, operational, product management and regulatory information for professionals in the water and wastewater industry. Second, to create and foster conditions that allow and encourage specifiers and buyers of products and services in this industry, via the dynamic inter-activity of the Internet, to identify and communicate easily and rapidly with the suppliers of these goods who advertise in Water Online.

Please take a moment to register yourself and let us know who you are.
If you have any comments or questions, please contact either of the founders Mike McNulty or Mike Hagan.

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